Heather Highmark's Purple Haze

Reading Tarot Cards
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The Tarot Deck - introduction

The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck is the most popular deck of tarot cards. You can find them most any where but you can order them online at http://www.usgamesinc.com . There are as many different styles and decks of these cards as the imagination will allow. Some of them very pricey and specialized. For the beginner, the Rider-Waite deck is more than sufficient.
Heather Highmark learned from Mr. Wizard himself - was he a real Wizard or was it merely his name? We may never know - but he taught her how to read the Tarot. It is believed that you need a natural ability to *read* tarot. However, I am of a mind that anyone can learn if they desire. It is fun to use the deck to help you sort out your plans at the crossroads where you find yourself. OR to use them to illuminate your character's journey in your current writing project.
Learning The Tarot, by Joan Bunning (Weiser Books 1998) is a guide book for beginners. And very helpful for you to become familiar with the Tarot deck.
An aura of darkness, perhaps fear has surrounded the tarot cards practically as long as the cards have been used.  Some religions shun the cards and the scientific community condemns them as symbols of unreason. Yet, millions find that they provide away to get the left-brain to be stilled while the creative right-brain can begin to explore out side the lines of a narrowly defined universe. As Bunning says "The tarot is a mirror that reflects back to you the hidden aspects of your own unique awareness."
It gives one pause for thought -- and while you think about that - I will be back next month with more on the interesting aspects of the tarot. See you on the other side. 

Push-Button Creativity with Tarot is an article by Angela Booth that was frist published in Writer's Digest magazine's Writer's Guide to Creativity in 2002. She illuminates the various uses of the Tarot deck and gives some good ways to writers can use them to unblock their writing as well as many other things.
You can find out more about Angela Booth and her very informative and interesting articles in her  archives by going to www.prowrite.biz.com  or www.digital-e.biz.com 
